Never really checked out much Terranova stuff, but this is a real gem. Remember this was quite limited at the time, although I believe it has been released on a compilation they stuck out. It features the mighty Manuel Goettsching, he formally of krautrock legends Ash Ra Temple. He lends his infinite guitar sound to both sides with a jazzy backdrop of shuffling brushes and walking bass lines over 2 pretty tripped out tracks. The man is selective in his collaborations and the two influences work really well here. It doesn’t seem like one of those corny tribute type guest appearance things (who said Alan Vega!) but a real collaboration. Another one I had forgotten about, I used to play ‘
Despite the legend of Ash Ra Temple, it’s Goettsching’s solo ‘E2 E4’ that tops my list. A 45 minute trance groove in the proper sense of the word, it was famously sampled for the Balearic / acid house classic ‘Sueno Latino’ although Carl Crag was one of the many who used it. Distinctly remember the first time I heard it at one of those classic ‘back to mine’ moments after a club night. Until the turn of the 90’s I still had that anti prog rock thing that anyone growing up in the post punk generation did. Then the Orb and the likes came along and a rediscovery of Brian Eno, Krautrock and Dub, although I still despise ELP, Genesis and Yes. ‘E2 E4’ is the soundtrack to that memory. Not too sure where my vinyl copy is and when I find it and I will post it, although no guarantees on a time frame. In the meantime this will do.